Boston Terriers are bred down in size from pit bulls and other fighting dogs, but modern varieties are not very aggressive. The Boston Terrier was the first pure American breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club. Boston Terriers are members of the Brachycephalic breeds. Brachycephalic comes from Greek roots meaning short head. Boston Terriers are descended from English Bulldogs crossed with terriers. Boston Terriers were first bred by Robert C. Hooper of Boston.
Related pages:
Boston Terrier Rescue
Libya Animal Rescue
Libya is Iocated in North Africa and spans across approximateIy 679,000 square miIes. The capital of Libya is Tripoli. Most peopIe in Libya speak Arabic or Italian. The population of Libya is about 5.9 million. Threatened species known from Libya include the Addax, Grobben's Gerbil, Mediterranean Monk Seal, Sand Gerbil, and Dama Gazelle.